Why Selena is so loved

Selena amazed people. Not only could she sing, dance, compose, design, multitask, and be a successful artist, businesswoman, daughter and wife.
However, there was something else that caught people's attention. Her warm and charming personality made people feel welcome , accepted, happy and excited.She stayed humble thought out her life even though she became a successful celebrity. She remained down to earth till her death. She was friends with her neighbors,  cleaned, cooked, and took care of house commitments like most people who are not celebrities do.
Her fans became very identified with her since she continued living a normal live and never acted as a arrogant know-it-all diva. She was extremely humble. Being humble is a trait that is very valued. Most people like to be with someone who is humble rather with someone who is arrogant. Moreover, being humble is a trait that is very hard to find in people and it is even harder to find in artists and other famous people.

Also, her outfits, her style, her appeal made her an style icon. She had loved fashion since she was a little girl, designed outfits, and always improved her bras, belts, and caps with rhinestones. She had a unique style and used bustiers without degrading herself. Onstage, she was sexy but at the same time modest and no trashy at all and people could see and admire that.

Finally, Selena was also loved because she loved life and lived it to the fullest and inspired people to do so. She ate fast food with no regrets, she accepted challenges and dares, she even bungee jumped!! she laughed all the time, she dared to do many things, she spent time with her family and friends, she did her best when performing and recording, she cried hard, she laughed hard. 
That enthusiams to live, that energy she transmittef, the good mood she had, that big smile and beaitiful laugh, that "something" that attrats people, and much more are the things that made Selena someone who was very loved by her family, friends, fans and people who just met her. 

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